Friday, February 18, 2011

Music In Our Daily Lives

 In my composition class Dr. Morris had us do an exercise which involved the class listening to classical music and writing down how it inspired us. Some of the responses were pretty interesting. The students said things like spring or school, while others associated the song with a commercial it was used in for chocolate. I found this concept interesting because I never realized how many things and emotions I associate with different songs. For instance when Target used the song “ You Say Goodbye”, by the Beetles in their commercial, whenever I heard that song I thought of the store Target. Not only do I associate songs with product ads, but I also associate them with feelings. Songs that come out on the radio during the summer, I always associate with summer, even years later. The song I heard right after my dad’s heart attack, I associate with worry, and every time I hear that song I get a sinking feeling in my gut. One way can utilize music to benefit us is in studying for school. Classical music such a Baroque period music causes the heart to beat slower and relax to the beat of the music. The body becomes relaxed and alert, and the mind can concentrate easier. This type of music will help you study and focus on the task at hand. You will also associate the information you learned with the music you listened to while you were studying. Then listening to that same music before you take a test will bring all that information back to your memory. Music can be such a useful tool.
          Music can be a useful tool in a persons life. We naturally respond to music because of its rhythm. Our bodies have their own rhythm, from our heartbeat and breathing patterns, to how we walk and talk. The type of music we listen to plays important role in our life. I noticed that when I listened to soft music I feel calm and happy, but when I listen to rap music I feel more on edge and angry. It’s interesting how the type of music we listen to affects our mood.
          In researching for this blog I learned a lot about music’s affect on emotions and body functions. I find this subject very interesting. I’m going to start listening to classical music while I study and see if it improves my test score and retention.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, Vanessa! Thoughtful post and I'm glad you will give the music/study combo a try. Maybe you'll like it! :)
