Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Fun Theory

            When Dr. Morris sent me this video, I have to admit I was skeptical as to how they were going to make the stairs fun. Although, when they turned the stairs into a keyboard, I was completely blown away. I would have never thought of that idea, it was such a creative and fun approach. While I was watching the people going up and down the stairs I couldn’t help but smile. They were so happy playing on the stairs and making music. I found it amazing how the whole atmosphere of that area shifted when the steps were changed.  Without the piano steps the room was dull and everyone was just trying to get from point A to point B. When the keyboard was put in everyone stopped and enjoyed themselves. Even if they were in a rush to get to work or school, the new improvement at least brightened up their day. The part of the video that amazed me the most was how many people took the stairs for the sole reason that is was now fun. I find the concept of fun, to make positive change very interesting. I feel that as we get older and the more stress we are under, we forget how to have fun. Why does it have to be that way? Remember when you were little and you used to go to the playground, and how much fun you had? Why do we lose that as we go into the adult years? Most of us make little to no attempt to have fun throughout the day. 
            The more I thought about the video the more I realized that I have seen this concept before when I was younger. When I last went to Disney World, I remember there was a water fountain that talked to you and made sounds. I would stand there for as long as my parents would let me, just drinking water to see what it would say next. I probably drank two gallons of water that day. How interesting would it be if all water fountains talked to you. It would definitely lead to a positive change, because many people are dehydrated and don’t drink enough water. Who knows, it might even help prevent obesity because the consumption of sodas might decrease. I feel like a small change like that could make a world of difference.
              Perhaps If we could make the world a more fun and interesting place to live people would be happier, and healthier. Painting and the arts are entertaining but I wish we could have the opportunity to go out and make peoples days brighter. I am not saying that a painting doesn’t make people happy. Maybe if we went out and shared our arts in a constructive way more people would come to the galleries and performances for fun.
*For more information about The Fun Theory please visit www.thefuntheory.com

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Vanessa! I agree - finding more ways to incorporate fun into everyone's lives would certainly make the world a happier, brighter place for us all to be! :)
