Friday, February 18, 2011

Meeting With Aramark!

          While I was interviewing Aramark, the food provider for Kutztown University, I had a few revelations. I always assumed that the reason students had to leave their backpacks outside the dinning hall was because, the dinning hall was experiencing food theft. I understand that food theft is a problem for a company, but what I did not understand was why they were taking such extreme action. Since the dinning hall is essentially a buffet. As I spoke with Aramark’s Representative he informed me that food theft was not the main concern. That a more expensive reason arose that forced Aramark to have students leave their bags outside. The real issue is silverware theft, students are stealing plates, napkin holders, knives, forks, spoons and anything else they can get their hands on. The representative informed me that this semester he had to reorder about $10,000 worth of kitchenware for the dinning hall that had been stolen. The reason we have to leave out our bags outside, is because some of the students do not respect their property. The students continually steal from the dinning hall. Believing that it is fine to take plates and other things because, they are paying for a meal plan. They think they have the right to take Aramark’s property. If you went to a fancy restaurant, would you stick the plate you just ate off of into your bag? Probably not, because that would be disrespectful and you would get in trouble for stealing. So why do students think its ok to do that in a university setting. If the students would not steal from the south dinning hall, we would probably be allowed to take our bags in the dinning hall. Eliminating this whole problem between Aramark and the student body. Aramark did not seem like they want to enforce such regulations. Essentiality to protect their company’s property and to avoid being taken advantage of, they do not have any choice but to implement such rules. I believe the students are really to blame for this whole situation. We blame the company for the rules they put in place. But really the reason the rule was put in place is because of the students. We as students have to become more responsible and stand up against theft. If we see students stealing, we should call them out, and explain to them how stealing will affect the whole campus, including them. I also think we as students have to raise awareness about this issue. I think a lot of students are not aware of what they are doing and the consequences. My groups project for my composition class was to get Aramark to protect our property. I would still like to accomplish that goal. I think that raising awareness around campus about this problem and how they, the students, are causing it, is also necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Good work - to you and the group - to get to and tackle the heart of the problem!
